Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Making Curriculum a Game or How to Individualize Learning

Recently, I was talking to a teacher I was working with about how to "gamify" her classroom.  She is in a district where they are implementing outcomes and targets aligned to the Common Core.  She's worried that some students were bored while others were struggling and that she wasn't letting students develop at their own pace.

I gave her the following resources to think about:

The teacher in this article used game-like elements to personalize the way she taught her class. This article is about a math class, but I think the same concepts could be applied to other areas:

This is a TEDx talk that doesn't use the word "gamify" but does speak to some of the same elements:

Finally, this post also has a lot of the ideas about individualized and self-paced learning but in context of why the flipped classroom didn't work:

All three of these resources develop the concept of student choice within a set curriculum.